So it has been a very long time since I wrote in my blog and since I am in the middle of my craziness at work on a Sunday, what better time to write a little bit about what have been going on so I won’t forget all the little things.
So Let’s start from now and go back to where we last left off…
Today.. I am working in the office today… overwhelmed with 2 major projects. Oh and I also receive my new glasses… which is incredibly fast. I ordered them on line on 05/20/2010. Which means I got them in 2 days!!!!! oh and it was only 15 dollars with lens and coatings and all!!! baby!!!
I may post a picture later if I have time.
Yesterday (05/22/2010), we spend an entire day looking for carpets and paint colors…. why? well… look below… 🙂
This past Friday (05/21/2010), I was suppose to be a home owner, however, the stupid lender decide not to fund in the last minute and then decided that they made a mistake and will be funding me. So I will be closing on Monday!!! Oh … I guess I will be a home owner soon!!! yeah!!!
This past Friday was bike to work day, and I biked to work going my fastest getting to work for an 8AM meeting. 54minutes from my townhome to my office!!! just short of 14mile/hour average time. I am getting stronger. In the afternoon, I took on the challenge of 8th Ave NE going south bound. Yes, it was a super step hill and on top of that it was pouring !!!! I was soaked!!!
Wednesday, my folks arrived in Seattle.
Monday, I biked to work with my new bike seat… I felt the comfort and more power!!!
2 weeks ago… I was back in NYC for my second trip for my project.
about a month ago… oh I signed contract for a new house. 🙂
So did I miss anything?