DAY 12,755
So today is my 12755 estimated day on this little blue planet called Earth! Today, I turned 35. Thanks Mom and Dad!!!
So today is my 12755 estimated day on this little blue planet called Earth! Today, I turned 35. Thanks Mom and Dad!!!
Happy Halloween, Everyone. First of all, for those that don’t know… I am suppose to be TRON!!! Anyways, Halloween is one of my most favorite days, why? because of candy of course and as I got older, I love to give out candy to little kids. It always reminds me of how fun it use …
Thank you Min-Jye for this wonderful birthday gift!!! You can get one yourself!!!!
Being home for my 34th birthday is wonderful. Watching Auburn Beat Ole Miss, picking persimmons, and just enjoying time with family in the lovely weather of Auburn is just wonderful!!! Oh and how I love our family’s traditional birthday chicken and meatball noodle soup!!! [pe2-gallery album=”aHR0cDovL3BpY2FzYXdlYi5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RhdGEvZmVlZC9iYXNlL3VzZXIvbWluaHNhby9hbGJ1bWlkLzU1NDMxMzYwMjI5MzE1MDc1ODU/YWx0PXJzcyZhbXA7aGw9ZW5fVVMma2luZD1waG90bw==”]
It’s pretty interesting… Just recently I figured out how to use google voice and my old packet 8 ATA to get free phone service within US and today I found out that Google Voice turns 1. Happy Birthday Google Voice!!!
So.. for the last couple of days I’ve been hiding out in my home trying to finish up my paper. Today, it is not much different. I am alot better from my sickness. I should be 100% soon. So right now I am sitting in a dark room… looking out the window seeing fireworks and …
I just realized that turned 5 yesterday.Happy Birthday!!
After a night of toss and turning…. I did finally get some sleep. I do feel better. It is a fresh new day. It’s all good… and besides… tomorrow is pay day!!! Yeah!!! And M-flo makes me happy…. Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!