Good bye 2019 and Hello 2020

Today is the last day of 2019. I will post a separate entry for my day blog for my trip in Asia. But this is my annual post on my review of the year. This year is one of the most craziest year of my life. This year is probably the year that I grew up the most, because this year my father passed away. My entire perspective on life, changed after my dad died, and for the first time I felt like an adult and I felt like I am actually a grown up.

There are many goals that I set last year that I know I did not met. Few goals in particular are my weight goals. I was doing so well in 2018, but in 2019, I fell off the wagon and I am actually back to around 190lb. Which is really bad.

As for work wise, I’ve worked the hardest in my entire career in 2019, but I don’t think it was as productive as I expected. Don’t get me wrong it was still a good year, but I know there will be few things that I will change in 2020. So as part of this hard work, I’ve stayed over 100 nights in hotel rooms this past year. The most I’ve ever done in a year. Pretty crazy!!

So the following are few of the places I’ve been in 2019
Auburn, AL
San Francisco, CA
Napa, CA
Boise, ID
Vancouver, BC
Phoenix, AZ
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
Atlanta, GA
Taipei, TW
Tokyo, JP
Shanghai, CN
Beijing, CN
Fukuoka, JP
few other places

There are however few things that I did work on this year.
– I started to learn Japanese
– Started to look seriously at my retirement goals. Yeah I know retirement… pretty crazy hun

So my goals for next year!
– Regain my weight goal focus. Get back down to 180 or less
– Learn to speak Japanese conversationally
– I am hoping to have regular vacations planned for next year less stress
– Get back in to my tennis game. I am still stuck at 3.0
– Finally, I want to make sure everything with my mom is well taken care of for 2020 and the future

That’s it for now…
Once again, goodbye 2019. And Hello 2020!!!

I wish everyone a Happy and Wonderful New Year!!!