Good bye 2020 Hello 2021

Our 2020/2021 New Years Dinner :). Thank you Vicky .. my lovely wife

2020 has been a very very crazy year. What it suppose to be was an year amazing events, but because of COVID… it turned to an year of surprises.

The year started off pretty normal. In fact, Vicky and I were in Japan in the beginning of the year, then for work I travelled to Boise, ID , Los Angeles, CA and Portland, OR. And then in March all the sudden all hell broke loose. Everyone. Thought it was just a short term thing, and we should be back to normal in few month, but it just got worst and worst. Working from home went for a nice snow day kinda event to a never ending new normal. It seems that this year was one of the hardest year that I’ve worked. Working in sales and working from home is hard. Lots of long zoom meetings and lots of back to back zoom meetings. The worst is because of all the shutdowns, our gym and personal trainer had to close up shop.

Hugo is the one that truly appreciate all the craziness. Because we are home, Hugo now walks minimum of 4 miles per day. Because of all the walks this year, I’ve also started to listen to audiobooks again. For the first time, I finished my first classic martial art novel (武俠小說) series. The one that I completed is of course my favorite of all time, Duke of Mount Deer (鹿鼎記). It was an amazing series, and my father also loved these books and I’ve learned a lot from them. I’ve also finished Ready Player Two and are currently in the middle of the Heaven’s River (4th Bobiverse book).

During the pandemic, I’ve also ramped up my blog post and my YouTube presence. My website is completely updated since last year and I’ve went from 30 something subscribers to 100 subscribers this year. Nothing much and still not monetizing but it’s all for good fun.

Another thing that we started to take serious in 2020 is that Vicky and I started to take Japanese Classes together. However, I find it really really difficult because of how busy work is and unable to review and practice other than the 2 hours of class every weekend.

Finally, I want to share my thanks and appreciation to my neighbors and friends. Without you guys, there are no way we could have made it thought 2020.

2020 recap
Places I visited in 2020
Tokyo, Japan — 2019 end of the year trip
Boise, Idaho
Los Angeles, CA
Portland, OR
Grand Teton
Auburn, AL
Montgomery, AL

Books read/listen in 2020

Duke of Mount Deer (鹿鼎記)
Ready Player Two
The Heaven’s River (4th Bobiverse book).

Shows that I am following in 2020

Star Trek Picard
The Expanse
Star Trek Discovery
Cobra Kai

So Goals for 2021…

Don’t Get COVID
Continue with learning Japanese
Get back into personal training.. maybe even with apps
Hoping to visit my friends in Asia
Hit 200 YouTube subs by 2022 🙂
Get back into working out again.
Finally, get to see my family again!!!
Travel to somewhere outside of US

Happy New Year Everyone!!!