So… it has been a while since my last blog entry… I haven’t been blogging doesn’t mean life hasn’t been moving. Actually, it is very much the opposite. So this past weekend was Labor day. as usually, I went back to Auburn for Labor day. It was also my Mother’s 60th birthday!!! The trip was good had plenty of good food and Auburn Won their first game of the season!!!..
oh don’t worry… more pictures to come when I get home. But as for now… let’s talk about on board Wi-Fi!!!
Woo hoo… so this flight from Atlanta to Seattle actually have on-board wifi…. actually .. I am writing on it right now!!!
So of course as a super geek… I took pictures.
and I ran speed tests.
All in all it’s pretty nice…
For on-board wifi it is pretty nice. 1.5mb/s down and 256k up. Not too bad..
.. I was not able to get voip to work… VPN works but very unusable. Youtube is watchable… but I wonder how many people can watch it at the same time.
The only problem I see is that my battery will only last 4 hours and the flight is 5 hours… yikes…
Well… I actually have to work now.. on the plan and send something out… ha ha … anyways… short week this week