Well… It is almost hard for me to go back to Seattle, but I must return to reality…
So… let’s recap…
It all started off on Wednesday night a chance to watch the Seattle Mariners and watching them Win!!!
Then I got upgraded to First Class for my flight from Seattle to Houston.
Then when I got back to Alabama, I got a chance to see my buddy Rick!!!
Then when we finally got home, my mom cooked an super awesome meal for us including our family’s exclusive …
It’s soo good… then on the 4th we did some shopping and of course, we had a BBQ just like every other American family, but we did international style…
and yes … there are some BBQ involved too;)
On Saturday… Dr. Who Day and also the Atlanta Braves day!!!
Our family went up to ATL to get a hair cut and also watch the game!!!
See my new hair cut… Spikey… I don’t know if I like it or not…
oh and after the game … ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT!!! Cool!!!
And after we returned back to Auburn, My little sister and I watch the conclusion of the BBC’s Dr Who… A very good Scifi show for those that don’t know… and it was a fairly good ending to the season!!!
and then we come to today…
We started with an early Mass and just chill at home playing 9-ball with dad and just over all enjoying my stay. Now I am in Houston IAH and waiting on my flight in the airport lounge and oh.. I’ve got upgraded to First Class again!!
Woo hoo…
So… yeah… it has been a good July 4th weekend… I hope everyone had an awesome weekend as well…
Oh… Tennis tomorrow.