October 4th… I guess yesterday is my two years anniversary here in Grant County. Two years ago I traveled from Houston, Texas and landed in this small town called Ephrata. Two years later, what have changed? EVERYTHING… I feel like I have grown up alot more. My goals and dreams from two years ago are…. well… some are accomplished some are not.. and some are completely gone. The project that moved me here are not the same anymore. Everyday, I try to find my motivation.. and I get pockets of motivation.. and then it dies down… it is hard. I don’t know why it is hard. Maybe I am hitting my two year limit at one place and it is time to move on? I think I am being a little pessimistic about everything. Actually, they are good things about my situation. I am finally back in school again. … got to get back to work… I will write more later.
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