So… the big grand opening for Networkers yesterday was pretty cool. Lots of food and lot of people. I had a good time meeting my buddies Raymund, Clayton, and Joe… from El Paso. Afterward, Raymund and I went across the street to get some sushi. Boy, we haven’t done that is a while. It is good to have good sushi with a good friend. Anyway, you know Networker is for geeks and designed by geeks… I mean even how they placed the food have almost an engineered method. For example, during the big opening last night, they placed all the food through out the exhibit, so one will have to go in the the exhibit and explore and find the food. And today for lunch… they had a queuing system to distribute the lunch… it remind me of my QOS class from yesterday. Fun stuff huh… Well… the class this morning was pretty boring … but I hope the ones this afternoon is better.
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