Tag: life


Unclutter Blog

So Lifehacker is my new favorite blog site.I just found out about unclutter and wow… it’s pretty cool site. Go check it out. Yeah.. I really need to unclutter my life.. and get things back in to an organized fashion. It is starting already spinning out of control.



Everything in this world is about timing…When a baseball player hits a home run ball it is about timing… When a tennis player hits a powerful serv it is about timing…When one makes money in the stock market it is about timing… It just seems like everything is about timing and doing things or being …


A bit tense

I don’t know what’s going on… for the first time I am getting a bit tense about the elections. So for those who don’t know… this is the second time in my life that I voted for a president. So it is pretty serious stuff, so as the results are rolling in, it is getting …