Tag: Las Vegas


I just got back from the Penn and Teller show. It was pretty good, even though I have seen some of the act from the old 1994’s The Unpleasant world of Penn and Teller, but it is still good to see it live. One thing that I was kind of stupid about was I lift …


Once again, I am sitting in the Airport typing away at my blog. Oh before I forget, Happy Mothers day!!! Anyway… this time I am in the Birmingham Airport. Originally, I was going to fly from here to Houston and from Houston to Seattle, but that flight to Houston got cancelled so I am flying …


Woo hoo… It is all done… I am done with finals and I am done with this semister of school. Don’t ask me how I did… because I still have few day of enjoyment before I find out how badly I did on my exam. I really think I have a love hate relationship with …