Month: July 2003


I hate Metro sometimes…. I miss the bus today… well.. it is not the missing part that I hate, it is the part that I came the the bus stop and it just took off. So I guess it is my timing that I hate. Anyway, it is wet and nasty outside. I just hope …


As a service to all my friend and everyone else, my sister told me about this link. It is pretty cool, it has everything you need to know about adware parasites and how to get rid of them. It even have the script that one can install in their website to help others detect parasites. …


Summer in Houston sucks… it is too hot … it is too bright outside… the hurrican is coming … and the power bill is over $140 this month. AHHHH this sucks!


ok… I have to say emule sucks or something is sucking my upstream bandwidth. I need to stop using emule or bittorrent. I think it is giving my network connection constipation.


Monday… another day at work… the first part flew by pretty quickly… I had an interesting dream last night. For some reason there are a bunch of umbrellas in my dream… they are all hidden every where I look. All different type of umbrellas. So what does it mean???


Anyone want to buy a broken Apex 600a… if you can fix it, it is yours…. 🙂


so… my DVD player is messed up. I don’t believe it is the laser lens, so what are my options? I am thinking about getting a divx dvd player like my friend Eric. Here are his reviews on the divx playback. I think the LiteOn LVD-2001 is a good buy if I can get it …


Ah… I feel so much better now know you are safe and sound.


Still waiting for that call…. I miss you….