Month: July 2003


Ok… I enjoy open source as much as the next geek, and I really like using this tool called Linux, but why is it so damn hard to upgrade something inside Linux? I am only trying to upgrade PHP inside Red Hat Linux 7.3 and it is like pulling teeth. Heck, it might be easier …


So why is my blog slow in loading today? humm… don’t know… anyway… it was a pretty relaxed weekend. I think I need a new mouse. My wrist is starting to hurt from the current one that I’ve had. Oh… I also finished my Mac address traceroute script. I will post it in the project …


I started watching Gundam X lately… why because Gundam Seed got me hooked on Gundam stuff. I have to say Gundam X is pretty good. I found this good review about it. Check it out and tell me if you would like to watch it too.


KEYS FOUND!!!! So Where is it you ask? It was located in the networking closet on the 21st floor!!! Boy, now that’s a relief!!!


The search for my keys begin now!!!


I am an idiot… I’ve lost my keys. yep all of them… I have an idea where they might be. 1) in the network closet on 21st floor 2) on metro bus number 53 Pray for me … hopefully I can find it tomorrow. If not… things will be kind of rough for a while.


Doh…. I was wrong… stupid relief pitcher…. anyway the score was 7 – 6 AL…. DOH!


What a wonderful dinner … yep … Thanks to Min-Jye… I had some wonderful curry chicken… umm umm good. Well, just sitting here watching the baseball allstar game. It is pretty cool. Go NL !! This year the game is setup a little better, there will not be a tie game anymore. The winner get …