Tag: Auburn University


2011 So Far …

It has been a while since my last post in my official personal blog, because of my lack of post, it doesn’t mean that I haven’t been busy.  Just a bit of a recap. The second half of December 2010, I went to Beijing to visit Vicky’s parents.  They are doing better, but her dad …


WAR EAGLE and General Patton

Why does George S. Patton?’ Jeep have “War Eagle!” written on it? There are several possible answers. “General Patton was stationed at Fort Benning and apparently liked Auburn football,” said alumnus Pete Turnham, who served under Patton during World War II. “I have been told that he said he wanted his troops to fight like …


Well, after a full night of travel… from Seattle to Atlanta … and from Atlanta to Auburn… I am finally hot to Auburn, Alabama. Since everyone is in school or work today, I decided to visit couple of my friend and former boss. I visited the University Computer Hotline. That is where I use to …


Looky looky … Auburn University is on the news again. I remember when Auburn use to be one of the best colleges for your money… but it seems that it is not as good of a deal today. Auburn is still a good school… and it is probably still a good deal compare to some …


Here is an interesting article about Auburn University. But Auburn? humm…. hey I was there in 1999!!!


War Eagle! It’s pretty cool, on the way to work today I actually ran in to someone else graduated from Auburn University. The funny thing about it is that today is the first day I wore my Auburn polo shirt and already I got couple of comments. Awesome man!