
Woo Hoo… AnimeSuki is back online. Yeah… stupid hackers took them out for a bit… but it looks like they are back online again!! Yeah!!!


Woo Hoo… I just sold 5 games for 65 bucks. Yes, Yes, it doesn’t sound like a very good deal, but I don’t think I would have gotten that much from ebay. M earlier bidder was only going to pay 50 bucks for the games… so it is not bad. I was going to sell …


Woo Hoo…. My commenting system is back online!!!… Comment away!!


With my surprise there started to have some movement in the line and it is only 5:30. I am now very close to the corner. Woo Hoo!


It has been a long day! nothing much has been going on… But I have one good news!!! Hsiu Hsiu is coming back!!! Woo Hoo!!!


I finally beat Warcraft 3!! Woo Hoo!!!… now I can start to concentrate on other things in life….. until WC3 Expansion Pack.


Woo Hoo… counting down time until the end of June 2002… Once again … it is good to be back home. My friends, Eric and Hsuan, dropped by this evening. It was fun to catch up and watch a HK movie. The movie we watched was called “Marry a rich Man“. It was a romantic …


one more day until I head back to good old Auburn, Alabama!!! Woo Hoo!!! Well, I been trying to get my blog comments to work but I have no luck so far. Hopefully, it will work soon!


What a pretty awesome morning, I got up this morning at 6:00 am! Woo Hoo! Well, I met up with my buddy Scott at the Travis Fitness center next to our building. I have to say… its a pretty cool place. We played a little Raquet ball and yep…. I love Raquet ball!!! now … …