Tag: MSN


So… today, I started my MSN Space. However, I really don’t want to start one since I have my currently blog for over 4 years and with 1200+ entries. But I want the nice little * next to my name in MSN messenger everytime I post on my blog. Is there a way to do …


Wow…. this got to be one of the most exciting Auburn Alabama game I have ever seen … I am glad that Auburn won and we will see if Auburn will still have the same coach next year… I hope so…. Wow… what an exciting night!!! I hope my little sis, Min-Jye will get some …


So I signed up for an IP local telco service called Packet8 for $19.95 a month… I figure … why not and I get a local number too. In a couple of days I will tell you how well it performs. But mean while… here is something else I found … it is called Skype. …