Tag: INS


Doh… My plan to head up to INS office today is Foo bar. Why? Because I can’t get up early enough…. I think I will now aim for Friday morning to deal with INS.


Well, Guess what? I finally talked to someone in the INS help line. And what did they say? They told me to go to the INS office in Houston… in short it means … “Get in line, bitch!” Well, I just hope when I get to the INS office in Houston, they don’t tell me …


Amazing! I get right into INS’s phone system right after 4:00 pm. And that’s when they say I should call back. The best part is that I called them about 3:48 and got hung up on. So what does that mean? They don’t answer their calls until after 4??


INS sucks!!! Why do they suck? Well, humm.. where do I start? Let�s start with my citizenship. Well, since I got my US citizenship, I figure why not go ahead and get my passport. Couple days ago, I got a letter from the passport office denying my application, because my naturalization certificate was not valid. …