Month: March 2007


Backwards to 1995

I can’t believe this has been happening to me alot lately. where my computer messes up and then I end up losing my document because Word did not autosave properly…. I feel like I am back in college working at the hotline helping people to recover thier term paper…. except it is my term paper… …


My Saturday night dinner…

my Katsudon Part 2…. I know I burned my tonkatsu… but … it is an improvement from the last one huh? My two new Santoku!!! Sharp and super nice!!!!



Ah… it is so nice to have my camera back. Yes… I actually got my camera back…. yeah yeah yeah!!!So… I use my returned camera to take a picture of my dinner. I made Katsudon today… no not curry katsudon like before, but actuall Kastudon. It is pretty good… but it did not look that …



Happy 元宵節… I cooked some 湯圓 with some 花生湯. yummy 😀