Month: September 2003


Something very important happened to me today… but I can’t share it yet. in 5 days , I will share it with everyone and let you guys know what’s going on. Just trying to work out some kinks.


Why do I feel like I am about to explode….???


So… I heard something interesting from my boss yesterday… Well.. while we were finishing up the cabling yesterday, after talking sometime about his former career in the Navy, he said “… there were times that I felt really down while I was in the Navy, then I just have to think that … hey… at …


Still here at work… but I had a wonderful seafood lunch at the Goode’s Seafood restaurant. um um good…


So how’s everyones weekend? Well, mine is ok… it is Sunday and I am here at work. We are moving one of our core switches. Fun Fun right? Ok .. it is actually not too bad. It is a good way to test our fail over as well. Anyway… so far my weekend has been …


Can you believe it… it is Friday again. I guess this is a very short week. Yep, last night my buddies Scott and Wendy and I went out to celebrate, because Scott got a job in LA. Woo hoo� so we went to this wonderful restaurant called Mangos on Westheimer. The food there is cheap …


Well, I forgot to set my alarm clock after the power outage last night. I got up late so I am late now….DOH!! But the cool thing is that I found an open AP at the metro bus stop. I don’t know why I did not find it before but I am using it now. …


Woo hoo… the power is back … Yeah!!! Yeah!!!!


I LOVE WIFI….. with the power out I can still be on line!!! that’s progress!!!