Month: May 2003


I found this link from my friend Ola’s website…. it is pretty cool… if you like all the spacy scifi stuff.


A brand new week!!!! couple more days until my vaction. Couple more days until mothers day. So… uh… I need to figure out what to get my mommy.


Well.. the crawfish boil yesterday was awesome. I got more pictures… and I am just to lazy to work on them. I really need to before the washington trip. Oh I have to say this … IAH sucks. Today, I payed 3 bucks to park at IAH for 15 mins. Now that sucks!


Well… my boss approved my vacation… so Washington DC… here we come!!!


It’s FRIDAY… AGAIN!!! So yet another Friday is here. I have one thing to say right now…. ok actually two things… First, Civ2 Gold is a black hole. Second, Gundam Seed is also a black hole.


Interesting…. I forgot all about Min Day…. well… Thanks Jeremiah. Yes, folks… today is Min Day…. so what is Min Day? Well, Min Day is something one of my friends came up with in high school. It pretty much lasted from my sophomore year to my senior year in high school. The first school day …


GUNDAM SEED ep 29 is sooo cool… I really really like Gundam Seed… if any one haven’t seen it … you should!!! Go and download it from