Day: May 28, 2003


Well… it looks like I did not resolve the problem. I will need to come back to the office tonight around 8:00 pm which is their 9:00 am… it is only fair since they have to stay so late at work. Well… it is all good.


I think I complain too much about everything. Yesterday, I complain about how sucky it is to get a traffic ticket, yet I do not go to court to fight it. Well… I guess I am just lazy that way. Or is it just a way the system makes it’s money… they hold your time …


7:12 am… and I am already at work… wow… I am here early today… why? Well, because I am working with a guy in Philippines today. So it is around 8:00 pm over there. Pretty cool huh? Well… time to get to work. It seems like my blog is all about work? Why is that?