Month: November 2002


Another day is almost over. It is a pretty short day. I did not go anywhere to eat, I lost in a game of raquetball. Beside that… I worked and worked. It would be good to be back home and rest a bit.


Well… my website is back up and operational. However, it is only about 70% of what it was. I still have to get the mail server, the commenting system, and the discussion forum backup and running. The amazing thing is that my server is already being attacked by people and I just open it up …


Post Post… come on post!!! Well… it seems that I got my security a little bit too tight… nothing would post now….


Well… the website is backup… so let me know if there are anything that don’t look right.


It was a fun day yesterday. I got a chance to spend some time with my Auburn buddies and watch the Auburn UGA game. Well… we lost. Why? … because we suck!!! … nah.. we don’t suck that bad. We just can’t play on the second half…. so do we still have a chance to …


yep… is still down. I think I will put blogger up in a bit and work on other stuff in the mean time.


Well, I am in Birmingham for a meeting right now. It is interesting to be back here. It feels like I still work here but everything has changed. I forgot how far I use to live, I have forgot about all the traffics in the morning. I forgot even about the view from 28th floor …


Some of you are probably wondering why is down. Well, It is down because I got hacked. And I got hacked good. The guys Hacked through my IIS server and was able to put files via TFTP to my computer. Well, needless to say… they have royally screwed my server up. Hopefully, I can …


Why do local tv news reporters always ask Joe Bob on the street about what they think about world events. I mean, like the average Joe would give a good knowledgable answer about a specific event. I think it is all about the ratings. Yep… local news is just all about the ratings.45% content 55% …