Day: November 8, 2002


Well… so…. how’s the weather out there?


Well, we are less then an hour away from the weekend. I don’t have any plans, but I know I will try to clean my house up. I might go down to the art museum, yep… get me some culture. Still not 100 % yet, but I am getting there. So … let’s start a …


“30 salmon, 24 tuna, 14 eel, and 4 or 5 of these rolls…” and that’s what the Cisco vendor said when he order sushi today. Man… Let me tell you … it was pretty good. It was not the best sushi in the world but … hey… you can’t beat free food!!! Best of all …


Well, it’s Friday and it is very close to the weekend. I have no plans yet for what I am going to do this weekend. I am probably going to clean my house up. I only have 2 short weeks before my girlfriend comes over … got toget the place all cleaned up… right?