Tag: Why Because


Wow… this is pretty cool… Blogger has change their format again. They probably changed it a while back… but life has been busy. Well, as some of you might know I am starting trying to pick up the game of golf … so because today is such a beautiful day, I decided to visit the …


Today the shopping madness begins. I been feeling kind of bad for the last couple of days. Why? Because of my allergies of course. I don’t know why… I just can’t get rid of that bug. Anyway, today… I will make my big QUEST to the MALL. I am probably going to hit Wal Mart …


Doh… My plan to head up to INS office today is Foo bar. Why? Because I can’t get up early enough…. I think I will now aim for Friday morning to deal with INS.


What a short weekend!! It seems like yesterday, I was getting ready to get off for Friday and all the sudden… BOOM… it’s Monday again. Well, this is the week, I am going to train and study the hardest!!! Why? Because I am planning to take my first CCNP test on Friday. I will decide …


Boy another day is almost over at work. Today went by pretty quick. Why? Because I was stuck in a training class for the entire day. It’s ok I guess. So what is the training about? Well, it is a class that teaches me how to communicate. So we went through a whole bunch of …